10 Easy Ways to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle

Environmental sustainability is having its moment in the sun, as it rightfully should. More now than ever, people are starting to take environmental issues seriously. Everyone is starting to realize the impact of their day-to-day actions on the planet.

As a result of this, more and more people are now seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint and leave a better planet for future generations.

As talked about as sustainability is, the idea of it might seem abstract to a lot of people. This can be because people think they will have to let go of their “luxuries” and that it is too difficult to be sustainable.

Another reason why people shy away from sustainability is because they think their lifestyle would need a complete overhaul to make some serious impact.

In reality, that is not the case. Every little bit that we do towards a more sustainable lifestyle counts. Sustainability does not have to mean that you completely turn your life upside down. It just means being aware of your consumption and reducing it wherever you can, however you can.

Living a more sustainable lifestyle can be easy. Start by incorporating these simple habits in your daily life to make sustainability a reality for you.

Reduce Energy Use

Reducing your energy use can help reduce carbon emissions. Listed below are a few simple ways that you can reduce your energy use:

  • Install energy-saving lights and electronics
  • Hang clothes to dry instead of using the dryer
  • Use a programmable thermostat for energy-efficient cooling and heating
  • Turn off appliances, electronics, and lights that are not in use
  • Open windows instead of using the ceiling fan or the air-conditioner for cooling
  • Turn your heating down in the winters and curl up in a blanket

Drive Less

By driving less, you can dramatically reduce your environmental footprint by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Instead of driving, choose other alternatives to reach places. These alternatives could look like:

  • Walking
  • Biking
  • Carpooling
  • Using the public transport

While these might not seem the most comfortable options, you can combine your errands or chores to make fewer trips.

Also, walking or biking to most places will help you get that necessary physical activity in that we never seem to get enough of due to leading increasingly sedentary lifestyles.

Save Water

Water conservation is a critical issue, especially with an ever-increasing population. You can work towards conserving water in a number of different ways. Some of them are:

  • Make use of greywater instead of using drinking water
  • Use a water butt
  • Skip bottled water
  • Use tap water for drinking purposes
  • Take shorter showers
  • Fix leaky pipes
  • Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth
  • Use low-flow faucets and showerheads

Choose Reusable Options

As convenient as single-use products are, they are the enemy when it comes to environmental preservation, particularly plastic ones. These products end up in our oceans and cause significant harm to the wildlife. Choose reusable options over single-use ones for products that you use on a day-to-day basis.

Reusable options could look something like this:

  • A reusable water bottle instead of plastic bottles
  • Reusable straws instead of plastic straws
  • Reusable grocery bags instead of plastic bags
  • Rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones
  • Wax or cloth food covers instead of cellulose or cling-film
  • Cleaning cloths instead of paper towels

Source Your Food Locally

Live sustainably by sourcing your food locally as much as possible. Having all the foods available at all times during the year, regardless of the season, is a convenience created at the cost of massive fossil fuel consumption.

Be mindful of what you consume and where you shop for food. Instead of hitting your corner supermarket, shop at the farmer’s market on a regular basis and pick seasonal food.

Get Thrifty

The fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters on the planet. From the resources it uses to the waste it produces, the fashion industry gives birth to unimaginable amounts of environmentally fatal factors.

Fast fashion is extremely convenient but it is destroying our planet, and to lessen its impact, shift towards buying from thrift stores or sustainable clothing outlets.

Reduce Meat

The mainstream production of meat is one of the biggest contributors to environmental contamination. It is one of the biggest culprits towards water and landscape pollution.

You do not have to stop eating meat altogether and go vegan. The way to go about it is by eating less of it. Lowering your meat consumption is going to help reduce your negative impact on the earth significantly.

Opt for Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is more accessible now than it has ever been in the history of this planet. If powering your house with sustainable energy sources is possible, make the switch.

Try to choose an electricity supplier that focuses on generating energy from renewable sources like wind and solar. Additionally, installing rooftop solar panels will not only help the environment, but it would also help that electricity bill and your wallet.

Resell and Donate

Instead of chucking your items in the bin so that they end up in a landfill completely devoid of use, resell or donate them.

By reselling and donating, you not only earn some money and reduce waste but also, help people in the process by donating.

Make sure your products are in good condition and clean before you decide to donate or resell them.

Educate Yourself

One of the biggest reasons why people do not make the move towards a sustainable lifestyle is because they are misinformed.

By educating yourself on environmentally inclined topics, you open yourself up to a world of sustainable possibilities. It helps you reassess your choices and the consequences of those choices.

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